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If you haven’t heard by now, Hurricane Sandy is on her way to Toronto. Liberty Village is a community of  many condo owners/residents and there are a number of precautions you can take to make this another uneventful storm (as provided by Simmera Property Management on behalf of TSCC 2177):

1) Remove all items from your balcony i.e. plants, furniture etc. and anything affixed to the walls.

2) Secure all windows and sliding glass doors. Pull down all blinds and close drapes.

3) Disconnect all electrical appliances, except for the refrigerator (turn the thermostat to the highest setting). Place plastic bottles full of water into the freezer.

4) Place all necessary medical supplies and medications in a plastic bag or other watertight container. Be sure to have a 30 day supply.

5) Obtain extra money to have on hand (ATMs and banks may not be operating after the storm).

6) Place all important documents in a watertight container or place them in a safe deposit box.

7) Clean tubs with bleach and fill them with water, making sure to turn off faucets completely.

8) Fill your vehicles tank with gasoline.

Items you should have on hand for your “Hurricane Survival Kit”

-Batteries -Battery operated alarm clock -battery operated radio/TV -bread in ziplock bags -boxed juices/milk -candles/matches -can opener -cooler to hold ice and food -cotton balls -cough and diarrhea medicine -duct tape or masking tape -first aid kit -flashlight -fuel for car -medications -non-perishable food items -scissors -toilet paper

Elevators: If the building loses electrìcity, the elevators run on the emergency generator. However, that generator only has a certain life span-until the fuel is used up. If electricity is lost, DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS. The elevator company advised that once the winds cause 30 lbs of pressure (which can be even lower than hurricane wind status) the doors of the elevator could get stuck due to the suction in the shaft. It is recommended that you stay in your unit until the winds go below 70 mph. however if you must leave your unit it is strongly advised that you use the stairs (see page 18 for a diagram of stairwell locations) being sure to carry a flashlight. Additionally, it is recommended that you do not have your foyer door open at the Same time as any windows or doors leading to the outside. This can create a wind tunnel down the hoist way and cause the elevator shaft to get stuck. The service provider would then need to come and reset the elevator, which will not be possible until after the storm has passed.

Electricity: In the event power is lost. the elevators, fire stairwell lights and scattered garage lighting will remain on since they are backed up by the emergency generator, as long as the fuel permits. There will be no electricity in your unit. It is a good idea to have on hand a hard wired phone that does not use electricity. Digital phones will not work without electricity.

The generator has only enough fuel to run the elevators and fire stairwell lights for approximately 16 hours. Please make Sure each person in your household has a flashlight available to them for use if all services are out. KEEP A FLASHLIGHT READY FOR EXITING DOWN HALLS AND STAIRS.

**This information was provided as a guide by Simerra Property Management to the residents of Bliss Condominiums (55 East Liberty St) and is being provided for informational purposes only.




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Michael Camber
Michael Camber is the #1 selling real estate salesperson in King West and Liberty Village. Since 2003 he has been helping his clients achieve all of their real estate objectives.

Michael Camber

Michael Camber is the #1 selling real estate salesperson in King West and Liberty Village. Since 2003 he has been helping his clients achieve all of their real estate objectives.

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