After a relatively slow start to 2013, the condo market in Liberty Village is rebounding nicely. This may be hard to believe after consistently reading the doom and gloom painted by local and national media about the "over-saturated" Toronto condo market. Don't believe me? Well, the Toronto Real Estate Board just posted ...
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We are always looking for the best ways to bring you the Liberty Village-related information you are looking for. Whether you want to know about the latest restaurant opening or the best place to have your nails done, has become the leading resource for those wanting to keep ...
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2012 saw some significant mortgage changes and restrictions as rules were stiffened by our federal government to curb irresponsible real estate spending (and lending). We saw amortization periods drop from 30 to 25 years, investment property purchases require a minimum 20% downpayment and the tightening of income requirements for those who ...
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