We’ve been big supporters of the Liberty Village Farmers’ Market since it started operating out of the Green P parking lot at 35 Hanna Ave – way back in 2011/12. Sadly, we have received word that the Liberty Village MyMarket will no longer be operating effective immediately.
Farmers’ Markets Ontario Board of Directors has announced that it will no longer be investing time and effort in operating the Liberty Village MyMarket.
It is with great regret that Liberty Village MyMarket is cancelled as of immediately. The farmers’ market will no longer operate in the Green P parking lot at 35 Hanna Street location in Toronto.
FMO continues to see the sales go down every year due to the drop in farmer interest and the decline of shopper attendance (the lowest ever this past summer). As the expenses exceed revenues we can no longer operate the market at a deficit.
The Board and I would like to thank you Ellen Lai as market manager for your assistance in managing the market on our behalf and a big thank you to our key vendors who supported this market over the years.
Catherine Clark
Executive Director
Farmers’ Markets Ontario®
While many residents have complained about the high pricing and observed a steady decline in shoppers in recent years, we are sorry to see you go Liberty Village Farmer’s Market.