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There is no question that transit is an ongoing hot topic for both the employees and residents of Liberty Village. Many interesting proposals, plans and actions have taken place to keep transit top of mind for everyone. Take a few moments to fill out this important transit survey organized by Smart Commute and the Liberty Village BIA. The data collected from the survey will be used to make future decisions and pitches for the neighbourhood. As the dynamic of the community has vastly changed over the past few years, it is important to have current and relevant data to make key decisions. Let’s take a look back at some of the challenges, proposals, and implementations that have been applied to our community.

Bike Share Toronto

One of the many stations located throughout the city where riders can pay as they go for the instant use of a bike.

For those that may not have the means to store or use a bike too frequently, the addition of Bike Share Toronto stations throughout not just Liberty Village but the City of Toronto is quite remarkable. In essence, a pay-as-you-go network has been created. There are 3 main banks of bikes located in Liberty Village are located at:

  • Fraser Ave & Liberty St (across the street from School Restaurant)
  • King St W and Joe Shuster (on the south side)
  • Liberty Village Park

Many times, these bikes are being utilized as the racks are often next to empty. This is a very efficient and environmentally friendly way of getting around town.

Elimination of Transit Credit on Income

These monthly transit passes will soon lose value on income taxes.

Some unfortunate news as the Liberals 2017 budget was released back in March 2017. Effective July 2017, the cost of monthly transit passes will no longer be eligible for a credit on income tax. For the past 10 and half years, 15% of the cost of a monthly transit pass could be used as a deduction reports Global News. While it does affect Liberty Village, it also affects the entire country. Whether this will have a negative or zero impact on the amount of transit users is yet to be seen.

King St Pilot Project

A vehicle-less King St would look very different than this.

Could we image a King Street without cars from Dufferin St to River St? While this may in theory be an interesting pilot project, many factors will need to be considered and evaluated to determine whether this is the best idea for the Liberty Village community. Not everyone drives, that we know, however with many employees commuting from elsewhere, they already feel the traffic woes. Liberty Street is the only east/west access point south of King St. And it is a single lane each way. An increase of traffic could potentially be felt along neighbouring community streets such as in Parkdale. The King Street Pilot Project has already held some public meetings with more to come. Visit here to learn the full scope and scoop on what is to come.


In June 2016, Mayor John Tory held a press conference here in Liberty Village, in the presence of provincial Transportation Minister Steven Del Duca, the plans for a SmartTrack, The new plan is to eventually see a new station stop in Liberty Village as part of the Kitchener and Stouffville/Lakeshore East Go Rail Corridors. In his press conference held last year, Tory is quoted as stating,

“Smart Track is about connecting people to opportunity. It is about getting Toronto residents where they are going on the rail corridors that already run through the City of Toronto” – Mayor John Tory as captured by the Toronto Star.

Speculation as to where the most probable spot for this transit stop might be located behind Metro. Nothing official has been confirmed or publicly announced yet.

Take the Survey

Don’t delay, take the transit survey and voice your concerns.

Please take 5 minutes to answer this important survey. Whether an employee or a resident of Liberty Village, all feedback is extremely valuable. A minimum of 500 responses are needed to have a sound and significant pool of data. For anyone that participates and chooses to leave their personal information, will be entered into a draw to win a $100 Liberty Village retailer or restaurant gift card of their choice. The survey is open until April 30th, 2017. Take the survey here.
What other ideas or implications (both good and challenging) would have an effect on transit within Liberty Village? Share ideas, and thoughts in the comments below.

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Meg Marshall
A city gal at heart but with a soft spot for the country. If not out shopping for the next coveted fashion piece or checking out one of Toronto's delicious eateries, Meg can be found riding her horses.

Meg Marshall

A city gal at heart but with a soft spot for the country. If not out shopping for the next coveted fashion piece or checking out one of Toronto's delicious eateries, Meg can be found riding her horses.

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